Our Services

A client is performing a core exercise on the swiss ball with the personal trainer motivating them

Personal Training

At Hardt Fitness, we have a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to help you reach your goals. We focus on 3 main pillars: Movement, nutrition and mindset. Our personal training blends evidence based practice and practical know-how to optimize your performance and unlock your potential. Our certified trainers possess the expertise to assist you in achieving your objectives, whether you seek enhancement in body composition, injury rehabilitation, or enhancing athletic performance.

Looking to work with a female trainer? We have experienced female trainers and kinesiologists ready help you reach your goals.

  • Before the first session, we will give you a call to discuss your goals, injury and exercise history and availability. Then we will match you with one of our trainers. After the initial assessment, we schedule regular 1hr sessions and, if applicable, provide you with a personalized gym or home exercise program to complete.

  • 1 session: $105

    4 session package: $400

    8 session package: $760

  • After the initial assessment and goal setting, we will create a custom program for you. We will progressively update the program to make sure you are on track to reach your objectives.

A kinesiologist is placing their hand in the lower back of a client performing a bird dog exercise to teach proper form during a ICBC Active Rehab session

Active Rehab is a kinesiology service available to ICBC clients who were injured in a motor vehicle accident. This includes an assessment of your injuries and exercise based treatment to alleviate your symptoms. Our certified kinesiologists will help you return to your work, hobbies and activities of daily living with decreased pain and movement constraints.

ICBC Active Rehab

  • After an initial assessment, we schedule regular 45 minutes session to work on mobility, stability and strength specific to your work and life demands.

  • This service is free for you! Hardt Fitness offers direct billing to ICBC. This means sessions are completely covered and you don't have to pay any extra fees.

  • If you were in motor vehicle accident and have an ICBC claim number you are eligible. ICBC clients are pre-approved for 12 sessions within 12 weeks of their MVA. So don't hesitate to book your first session now!

    If your accident was over 12 weeks ago, Your kinesiologist will request approval for an initial assessment to ensure insurance coverage for your treatment.

A client is unracking a barbell from the squat rack while personal trainer is iindicating where the bar should be placed on their back.

Sport Specific Training

It’s our mission to support players looking to improve their performance through the development of power, strength, endurance, and agility. Our goal is to make training fun so players stay motivated and achieve significant improvement. Strength and conditioning is more than just lifting weights. We start by teaching fundamental movement patterns that will set you up for life, allowing you to safely train for any athletic venture both now and in the future. Then we start sport specific drills to set you up for success on the pitch or court.

  • We specialize in soccer, volleyball, tennis, skiing, rowing and rugby.

  • 1 athlete

    1 session: $105

    4 session package: $400

    8 session package $760

    Group session:

    2 athletes: $160

    3 athletes: $240

    4 athletes: $320

    Please contact us for inquiries about group packages.

  • Everyone is different. Each program is tailored to individual abilities, experience and sport specific goals.